At our clinic there is no limitation in management of any disease. Even the most serious and
incurable diseases and health conditions are treated effectively.
Our management is based on understanding from study and research of ,
- Medical knowledge
- Knowledge from veda’s. unishads
- Panchakoshatmayog experience
- Knowledge and experience of chakra vigyan
- Knowledge and experience of shadripu’s
- Experience of Hathyog
- Knowledge and Experience of Yog chikitsa
- Experience and knowledge of Homoeopahty and natures doctrine of signature
- Knowledge and experience of principle similia similibus curenter.
- Knowledge of hering’s law of cure.
- Experience of Sparsha yog and kaya yog technique
Our body's health & organ system function is all related to :
- 7 chakra's.
- 3 guna's
- Panchakosha’s
- Antarkosha swasthya
- Psychosomatic hormony
Our whole body represents the effects of this . with the knowledge of Chakra's, guna , yoga, veda’s
taught from our masters and the medical knowledge learnt we visualize the unseen aspect of diseases
and then eradicate it.
Dr. sadanand Rasal offers you a complete safe and long lasting management of your chronic diseases,
which takes care of,
- Removal of root cause
- Stopping of disease progression
- Reversal of cellular damage caused by disease
- Restoration of functional health
People around the globe spend lots of their hard earned money to be relieved of their diseases of
long standing or chronic diseases. most of the medicine around the world focuses on symptom
management and therefore offer only temporary relief without stopping the disease process. Most of
these chronic diseases are of autoimmune in nature or because of altered functions due to idiopathic
causes or are due to aggravated cell injury and aging process. Most of the medication available do
not arrest the disease process just suppress it and partially control the symptoms . at times
causing adverse effect on other organ and systems of the body. Be it a case of lung diseases ,
hormonal disorders, heart , diabetes , kidney illness ,arthritis , psychiatric illness, infertility,
blood diseases ,Obesity etc. they do not have any solution to eradicate it.
That is because they can understand the effect but not the root cause of the disease . so their
therapy focuses only on symptom management with no permanent cure as a solution.
Dr sadanand offers you the best solution is the world , only one of its kind to solve these issues and
- Disease control
- Disease cure
- Health
- Fitness
- Persona
- Age reversal
All in one treatment module.