AtmaVeda Yog Pvt. Ltd. is a new start-up company dedicated and formed to serve & Promote affordable Healthcare, Innovation and Research based on the principles of yoga. Its founder is Dr. Sadanand Shivram Rasal & Mrs Shital Narendra dhole.
Head office: 34/3, Santo Tukadoji Nagar, Rahatni, Pune.
The company is dedicated for innovation called UEP, which means-
Field of company work:-
Dr Sadanand Rasal is a BHMS graduate from Pune University. After years of General Practice and Running a Speciality Diagnostic Centre in Pimpri, Pune he became disciple of Yoga, Spirutuality and Holistic Medicine. Through a dedicated research work for nearly 10 years under his Gurus he developed extensive knowledge of cellular healing and reversal of cellular ageing.
The Research work included -
Using all of this knowledge and experience now along with his partners Dr Sadanand Rasal has founded Atma Veda Yog pvt limited. A company which strives to prevent transform and treat diseases with no answers.
Diagnose cause of disease with help of inovative yog based diagnostic tools and then treat in the most natural way in accordance with the laes of nature with diet, exercise and medicine.
Mrs. Shital Dhole a Young dynamic entrepreneur, She is also a Director of Atmavedayog pvt ltd. She is in-charge of the wellness programme and heads the Management and customer support.